Use "hearthrug|hearthrugs" in a sentence

1. Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca went cautiously across the hearthrug.

2. The great lady and the little gentleman stood together on the hearthrug.

3. Eliza goes down on her knees on the hearthrug to look for the ring.

4. Recovering, Emmie seized the thin old hearthrug and began to beat at the flames.

5. Sitting on the hearthrug, Bobby looked at her, mutely seeking an explanation for his master's absence.

6. The gentleman he addressed got up, saying in an indolent way, "Oh really?" and dawdled to the hearthrug where Mr. Bounderby stood.

7. He opened the door and went into the house. In the kitchen he laid her down on the hearthrug , and called. The house was empty.